Designed specifically for countertop use in retail environments, the Niton DXL analyzer, with Thermo ScientificTM AuDITTM gold-plating detection technology, delivers fast, reliable results for gold testing and metal analysis with just the push of a button.
Tester Equipment
Designed specifically for countertop use in retail environments, the Niton DXL analyzer, with Thermo ScientificTM AuDITTM gold-plating detection technology, delivers fast, reliable results for gold testing and metal analysis with just the push of a button.
$300.00 $400.00
Weight: 7.7 Kg
Dimensions: 396 x 206 x 265 mm
Analysis chamber dimensions: 172 x 184 x 133 mm
R-X Tube: silver anode, 45 Kv, 80 uA Max
Detector: Si-Pin
Electronics: 400Mhz ARM 11 CPU, 300Mhz DSP, 80Mhz ASICS DSP, 64+128 MB Memory
Display: 3.5″, colors, touch screen
Connectivity: USB
Possibility to create multiple users for multiple privileges
Integrated camera